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Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation aims to please Allah SWT by providing the basic human needs (food, clothing, shelter, medicines and education – both Islamic & Secular) to those who are helpless and most deprived.

Our Projects

Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation is a Pakistan-based charity organization established in 2022. Our main objective is to help Muslim Ummah in order to please Allah SWT by providing them sustainable development solutions such as education, food-aid, health and spiritual well being.

This is achieved by several ways such as providing education for under privilege students and orphans, providing emergency relief such as food supply and basic needs to victims of conflict and natural disasters.

Moreover, sponsoring orphans, old folks and widows by ensuring their welfare is well taken care of and implementing income generation projects to help break their dependence on hand-outs.

Alhamdulillah, MUAF has already started few projects like Monthly Food Program for poor and needy families, Food for Homeless, Clothes for the poor and needy children and most importantly MUAF has initiated to build a home sweet home for orphans (Initially we are building home for 400 children).



Providing education for under priviledge students and orphans.


MUAF accept volunteers for certain programs, providing opportunities


Sponsoring orphans, old folks and widowsby ensuring their welfare is well taken care of.