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Monthly Food Programme:

Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation works in neglected, oppressed, hardcore poor and homeless communities in Pakistan, providing them necessary food items for their survival.

Currently we are focused in Pakistan only but in near future MUAF will expand its roots in South Asia and other Asian & African under developed countries.

How Food Programme Works?

Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation is providing necessary food aid to the neglected communities.

MUAF wants to provide vital food to give them security, nutrition and support during this difficult time.

Monthly Food Pack contains:

  1. Flour

  2. Rice

  3. Eggs

  4. Cooking oil

  5. Sugar

  6. Milk

  7. Tea

  8. Biscuits

  9. Pulses

  10. Vegetables

  11. Soap

  12. Shampoo

  13. Surf

  14. Dish Washer

  15. Meat

  16. Tooth Paste

  17. Red Chilli

  18. Salt

  19. Spices

Join our hands to provide these needy families with food so they can rebuild their lives, and build strong, safe and happy futures.

Please donate generously and encourage others to donate too by sharing this page with your family and friends.

We also provide coupons of different values in order to arrange basic food & household items. To buy coupons, please visit our office in Johar Town, Lahore or site office at Main Sharaqpur Road, Sheikhupura OR contact @ 0092-316-8804548. Following are the details of coupons;

Coupons of value (250/500/1000/2500/5000/10000)

Monthly Food – Quarter Pack – PKR5000

Monthly Food – Half Pack – PKR10000

Monthly Food – Full Pack – PKR10000x2

Clothes/Bed sheets/Shoes etc. – PKR5000x2

General – PKR2500

Medicines – PKR1000

Diapers – PKR500

Toiletries – PKR250