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  1. Our works focus on educating Muslims and inspiring them into social activity. Working in a clear and focused way, the organization tackles social priorities, which are having a detrimental impact on the community. Our work is driven by the needs of the community and is fueled by inspired Muslims who are seeking to add values to their community and raise the condition of the society in which we live.

  2. Actively participate in social, community and humanitarian efforts, helping those in need, the hardcore poor and the deprived.

  3. Sponsor deserving students from preschool through to high school.

  4. Provide training such as cognitive skills, technical skills and interpersonal skills to school leavers without any means to further their studies.

  5. Assist government and non-government organisations in environmental, social and human rights activities. Helping the communities to achieve Green & Fresh atmosphere.

  6. To create awareness in the communities to eliminate Child Labour and increasing the literacy rate by enrolling the children to schools

  7. To support the deprived human being in the society, who are not able to get sufficient medical aids and are waiting for organization like us to support them.

  8. To ensure that materially poor are served and finally achieve the target of Zero Hunger by providing them halal and safe food.

  9. To create the awareness of helping the materially poor in getting food supplies to reduce their cost of living.

  10. To make deprived families sustained by providing technical and entrepreneurship skills to their children, finally making them able to support their families.