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Individuals or corporations with similar vision and objectives to humanitarian work are always welcomed for partnerships and collaborations. We conduct fundraising throughout the year in order to support our humanitarian programmes.


Fundraisers are expected to:

  • Get official approval from Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation to fundraise before proceeding.

  • Click hereto apply.

  • Advocate Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation’s vision, mission and objectives.

  • Be accountable to Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation, donors and general public.

  • Be sincere


MUAF is committed to Fundraisers to:

  • Share our vision, mission and objectives.

  • Instill professionalism in fundraising.

  • Provide relevant documentation.

MUAF will take strict actions against any organisations or individuals who misrepresent Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation in any way to solicit funds for personal gain.



We have tried our level best to cover the mostly asked questions. Please do write us for more information on fundraising, if not covered under FAQs,


Q. 1. Do I need any kind of prior approval from Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation in order to start fundraising?


Yes, you MUST take a prior approval from MUAF. We need to ensure that the funds from fundraising events held under MUAF name are properly routed to those in need.

As such, we require your kind cooperation to inform us of your intentions to fundraise on behalf of MUAF.


Q. 2. Can I organise a fundraising event or campaign on behalf of Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation?


Yes. We always welcome individuals and organisations to fundraise with us in continuing our humanitarian programmes.

We are always open to opportunities of collaborating with individuals or corporations with similar vision and objectives to humanitarian work.

If you are interested to fundraise for us, please complete the proposal form here and forward your details to us at


3. Can I use Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation logo to support my fundraising event?


Yes and for this you MUST take prior approval from Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation before developing any marketing and promotional material which includes MUAF logo.


Q. 4. Can I sell my products/services and nominate a percentage of sales to be donated to Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation?

Yes. You will need to take a prior approval from Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation before developing any marketing and promotional material which includes MUAF logo, or any collaterals declaring Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation as your beneficiary should consumers buy your products or services.

Please note that MUAF will take strict actions against any organisations or individuals who misrepresent Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation in any way to solicit funds for personal gain.


Q. 5. Can I or my organisation decide how the funds raised from my event/campaign should be utilised?


No! We totally discourage this. We strive to provide assistance to our beneficiaries purely on a needs basis. By allocating your funds for specific expenditure only, we are unable to utilise your funds elsewhere, where it may be needed more.

We are committed to being accountable to our donors on how the funds should be routed and we encourage you to keep your donations non-allocated.


Q. 6. Can I get publicity or media coverage for my fundraising event or campaign?


Yes. You may coordinate directly with the media should you require publicity or coverage of your event or campaign.

We appreciate your assistance in taking a prior approval from Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation for any quotes from our representatives to be included in your press release.

Should you need a representative from Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation to be present at your media event, we appreciate your assistance in informing us at least 3-5 working days before the event.


Q. 7. Do you have any guidelines for parties who would like to help Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation fundraise?


For small organisations and businesses or non-corporate individuals intending to fundraise for Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation, your fundraising initiative falls under the Drive for Charity Package. Guidelines are as follows:

  1. Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation Donation boxes and some brochures will be given to you on loan according to the duration of your fundraising effort or as per agreed between both parties

  2. It has to be done independently*

  3. A template press release from Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation (if required). You will need to show us your final copy of the press release before issuance to the media

  4. Handover of donation at Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation’s Headquarters (either cash or cheque handover) with photo-opportunity by our internal photographer

  5. The photo of the handover and information on the fundraising initiative will be featured on Mjuslim Ummah Aid Foundation’s Social Media page and website.

  6. On Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation’s side, the representative for the handover of donation will be Fundraising/AccountsTeam.

*Why your fundraising initiative has to be done independently:

  • Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation is a non-profit organisation that puts focus on operations.

  • Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation tries to run low on administration cost and does not employ many staff.

  • 100% of the donations collected will go to the beneficiaries.

We need you to help us by taking the responsibility to organise the event and we thoroughly appreciate the initiative and help from you to help us raise funds.



Volunteers are the backbone of Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation. We are proud to work with individuals that go beyond the call of duty to contribute their precious time and expertise to support our humanitarian programmes. We constantly seek volunteers with passion, drive and professionalism to support our work. Anyone interested to apply for volunteer, please click here to apply.





Volunteers are expected to support our vision, mission and objectives; deliver their duties with the highest level of compassion, professionalism and care; maintain satisfactory physical and mental health; endorse our Code of Conduct; be accountable to Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation, donors, beneficiaries, employers and fellow members/volunteers; and be sincere.

In correspondence, we will share our vision and mission; instill professionalism in volunteerism; provide relevant training, welfare and security while on missions.


Q. 1. What are volunteers’ roles in Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation?


Volunteers assist Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation in various ways, such as helping out MUAF different projects and in administrative work at the Headquarters and during events etc.

Volunteers who are deployed for different projects, will need to undergo training to equip themselves with the necessary skills in order to contribute to the mission.



Q. 2. Am I guaranteed an opportunity to volunteer with Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation if I register?


Your application will be reviewed and is subject to the final approval from Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation. We reserve the right to accept or reject any volunteer registration. Opportunities to volunteer will depend on projects available and the necessary skill sets required.


Q. 3. Will my welfare be taken care of during projects?


We are committed to look after the welfare of our staff and volunteers while executing our projects but remember that our work requires us to enter areas where conditions are less than optimal. As such, it is important for your expectations to be managed through trainings and briefings before starting work on any project. Debriefings will be performed after each project and support will be made available if necessary.



Q. 4. What are the criterions to volunteer with Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation?


You must be eighteen (18) years or above and abide by Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation’s vision and mission.


Q. 5. Will my performance be monitored as a volunteer?


Yes. We are committed to ensuring the highest level of professionalism and care in our work and we expect the same from our volunteers who represent our organisation.

Before each project, you will be provided the Terms of Reference stipulating the terms and conditions of your appointment, your specific role, the scope of your mission and reporting line etc.

We expect all our volunteers to abide by our rules and regulations. The roles and responsibilities of a Volunteer are indicated in the Volunteer Guidelines which will be issued to you at the beginning of each project.

The Foundation Council reserves the right, by a vote of majority, to expel or suspend any Volunteer who has been found guilty of misconduct.