Project 3
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Monthly Sign Ups Programme

A monthly sign up program goes a long way. It’s a commitment of PKR500 a month to support the work of Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation to provide humanitarian and educational aid to helpless communities both locally and internationally. With your kind support we can make a real difference.

How Monthly Sign Up Programme Works?

Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation provides you a platform to support different ongoing projects of MUAF by being a member of this programme. MUAF is striving hard to provide support to the needy families.

You can choose any amount to be deducted on monthly basis and also can choose the duration of your generous support. Your kind support will be used to help neglected communities. MUAF will provide you quarterly and annual reports about the projects where your support has been used.

To be a member of this programme, click here.

You can choose any of the following amount to be deducted from your account on monthly basis;






You can also choose the duration of your support;

12 Months

24 Months

36 Months