Project 4
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Sponsor A Student Programme:


To provide Quality Education to students, who are neglected, oppressed, hardcore poor and homeless.

We strongly believe that quality education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty and can create a better future for children and their families. That is why we promote education in each of the communities by facilitating sponsorships for hundreds of students who otherwise would not have a chance to attend. There is a straight path from a good school to a good job. In facilitating access to education among the youth, Big Life gives a hand up, not a handout.

When we invite you to sponsor a student, we are inviting you to invest for your life thereafter.

To sponsor a student, click here.

How sponsorship works

For each student in the programme, MUAF provides;


  1. Cost of enrollment fees and school materials

  2. School and PE uniforms in selected grades

  3. Regular monitoring of school grades

  4. General educational support

We warmly encourage engagement between students and sponsors

One of the most rewarding aspects of sponsoring a student is getting to know students personally and see firsthand how your generosity can positively affect the student’s and their family’s lives. We will:


  1. Send you updates on your student’s school progress

  2. Facilitate correspondence with your sponsored students through letter writing

  3. Invite you to meet your sponsored students and their family

We accept support for students throughout the year.


To sponsor a student in Playschool through Senior High School, the cost of one full year is from 120,000 to 240,000 and you may choose to pay this on a monthly basis as well.