Project 5
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Ummah Food Bank (UFB):

Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation is a non-profit organization and Ummah Food Bank is a project which is organized by UFB, where manufacturers, distributors, wholesaler, retailers, companies or potential donors can donate their unused or unwanted foods which will then be collected and distributed to charitable and welfare homes, refugees communities, poor and needy families and homeless people.

Ummah Food Bank started in its operations in 2022 as part of a food rescue initiative by Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation (MUAF).

Our aim is to alleviate the impact of rising cost of living and reducing food wastage amongst the people.In short we rescue surplus food from the supply chain and distribute it to the poor and needy people in Pakistan. In addition to that UFB prepares fresh food by itself for 500 persons per day and distribute to all homeless, labours and  needy people.

We are determined to alleviate the burden of hunger for the poor, we are going to set up Ummah Food Banks across Pakistan where the needy are fed every day. Although this is a very small contribution, it is our small way of removing the fear of uncertainty for the poor who often do not know whether they will have a meal to eat next or not. With our humble service, they know that there is always a place where they can eat all days a year, and no one needs to sleep hungry at night.


Our mission is to ensure that materially poor are served and finally achieve the target of Zero Hunger by providing them halal and safe food.


To become the Leader of Food Banks in Pakistan and Internationally by 2025.



  1. To create the awareness of helping the materially poor in getting food supplies to reduce their cost of living.

  2. To facilitate the materially to get food supplies and overcome the wastage of valuable food which can be reused and reduce operating cost.

  3. To encourage promotions, advocacy and awareness campaigns in order to address food wastage and the importance of helping the materially poor to get food supplies.

  4. To coordinate, plan and carry out the collection of surplus food nationally.

  5. To collaborate with other NGOs and the retail industries to improve the surplus food management system.

UFB Operations:


  1. Collection

  2. Checking

  3. Sorting Out

  4. Preparation

  5. Storage

  6. Distribution

Potential Donors:

  1. Hotels and Restaurants

  2. Cafes

  3. Caterers

  4. Bakeries

  5. Hypermarkets

  6. Wholesalers

  7. Importers

Potential Receivers:

  1. Orphanages

  2. Old Folks Homes

  3. Rehabilitation Centers

  4. Hotels and Restaurants

  5. Poor & Needy Families

  6. Disaster Victims

  7. Homeless People

Food items which can be donated;

All food products must be halal and safe. Following are some of the items;


  1. Product close to expire

  2. Mislabeled and unlabeled items

  3. Test Product

  4. Inventories

  5. Seasonal Items

  6. Promotional Items

  7. Prepared & Unpreserved Food Items

  8. Discontinued Food Items

  9. Customer Returns and Refused Products

  10. Frozen and refrigerated foods, ingredients and raw materials

Food for Needy Students:


Children that come from low-income family tend to drop-out from schools as they are required to support family’s income. We aim to provide low-income families with monthly supplies of raw and canned food. Finally these children will be back to school as the supplied foods are will compensate meant the expenses needed by the families to send their children to school.

Ummah Food Bank Pakistan will be launching surplus food supply project for college/university students, where surplus food from supermarkets, which are still safe for consumption will be distributed to students at targeted Public Universities/Colleges/Schools.

Food for Needy and Poor:


Ummah Food Bank Pakistan will be launching Food for Needy and Poor Project which will include refugees in Pakistan, where they are facing tough time and. UFB will establish warehouses/cold storage for this project.


Finding The Poor & Needy:


Food Bank is always all about managing logistics and resources. There are many deserving beneficiaries. In order to find the poor and needy families, we set questionnaires and visit applicants to determine if the recipients have a valid need for assistance. Our marketing team is always busy in doing such surveys of poor and needy families and after completing thorough checks, marketing teams submit their recommendations and our resources and planning teams, register the families in databases and we start providing food to the poor and needy families.