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Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh;

Alhamdulillah, it is your trust and confidence which enabled Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation to serve the humanity in the well-organized way.

MUAF, an organization started from scratch, is now providing all round support to humanity; providing the basic human needs, shelter,
clothing, food and education to those who are
vulnerable and most disadvantaged. Hundreds of destitute students are being educated. We are providing groceries and house hold items to hundreds of families and the list goes on….

But all these services require patronage, and patronage & cooperation is what we need most. Come close and observe what we are doing. You are welcome to visit Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation any time you want to, but keep us blessed with your trust, confidence and cooperation.

May Allah SWT accept our virtuous deeds for the betterment of our people and society. (Ameen!)



Dr. Muhammad Younas Siraj
