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Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh;

Muslim Ummah Aid Foundation was established in 2022 to bring a change in the lives of the poor and impoverished by providing basic needs and free education to the children. Education is priority area of MUAF, whereby MUAF is running other projects as well, where we support vulnerable communities and we also provide support at the time of any disaster.

The education component forms the foundation of MUAFs activities as without education of children and youth there will be no awareness and enlightment. The future vision of MUAF is to expand its activities in other under developed countries. With the help of Allah SWT, MUAF will go where others have not dared. We are but just a drop in the ocean, but we will strive to change the lives of the people we touch.



Mrs. Ruhina Kashif
